Switchvpn.net – Free Trial – Switch VPN

SwitchVPN has been in operation since 2010. It has locations in various countries like Czech Republic, UK, Germany, Netherlands, Canada, Sweden, Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Latvia, Luxembourg, Switzerland, France, Italy, Romania, Russia and the U.S.; switchVPN has also 37 IP addresses.

They have no download or reconnection limits but P2P sharing is only available on Dutch servers. They have 64 IPs in 28 countries and a dedicated 1Gbps network uplink. The service is available on Windows, Mac OS, iOS, Linux, DD-WRT and and Tomato router. They are popular because of their excellent price-performance ratio, which is available in several different packages.

Technology and its revolutionising effects have indeed closed the distance between worlds. The operating technology making this happen is the virtual private network (VPN). One VPN software that has such capabilities is switchVPN.

SwitchVPN is capable of 1Gbps network uplink (1000mbps) and uses protocols like PPTP, L2TP, OpenVPN, and SSTP. As to the details of its operations, peer-to-peer (P2P) and file sharing is a bit limited because such operation is only allowed on Dutch servers. P2P file sharing is very important, particularly to big companies engaged in business process outsourcing (BPO). It enables users to access or download various media files. Not only is P2P file sharing important for businesses but to the ordinary person as well, considering that file sharing is a common activity for every person.

When deciding to use switchVPN, take into consideration the fact that it’s compatible with clients and platforms like Windows, Mac OS, iOS, Linux; at the moment, it does not support Android. In order not to waste money when purchasing VPN software, always check the specs of the software to know its compatible clients and platforms.

The servers are located in seventeen European countries, the United States, Canada, China, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea, India, Egypt and South Africa. They store the time and place of link fabrication, duration of the session and the bandwidth used. SwitchVPN offers between 1024 and 2048-bit encryption security. They offer a twenty-four hour free trial.

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2025 - VPN Trial